Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Supermodel Catwalk fell while walking on the stage

Events ever experienced an embarrassing moment in Catwalk Modeling Runway may have been very often encountered. Is she a new model was even a supermodel already been there.

One example of an embarrassing incident while walking on the Runway is a sudden drop of the model, probably due to slipping or falling from their shoes is in trouble or by accidentally stepping on gaunya the model itself. A wide range of causes and consequences of that sometimes the models start to feel a little nervous in the fashion show.

For example, Model Naomi Campbell has experienced an embarrassing incident on the Stage, Naomi fell during a demonstration. Events can not be forgotten by him and the spectators who witnessed the event. The incident occurred during the Winter dress show in Paris in 1993.

Model Lindsey Wixson also have experienced almost the same thing, but the events that befall Model Lindsey more embarrassing than the events experienced by Naomi. Lindsey fell to three times, first when Lindsey is playing on the stage somehow suddenly Lindsey fell, then rose again and walked about 4 steps and then he fell again, then got back while trying to cover up mistakes, but it may Lindsey in unsound condition or how, having got up and tried to walk again, suddenly fell to Lindsey returned the third time.

This follows the Overwrite Events Video Coverage The model who fell while on Stage :

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